As we experience disappointments in life, our reckless abandon as it relates to our faith is reeled in by reality. We sometimes limit what we think God can do because of what we assume He hasn’t done in the past. We pray very broad prayers to better protect our hearts, just in case God doesn’t do it exactly how we wish it would be fulfilled.
I had begun to feel this way and the phrase “No Holds Barred” was dropped into my spirit. I had heard it and said it before, but I hadn’t thought about what it truly meant. So, the Holy Spirit clarified what exactly it was. It was a term used in wrestling that meant there was nothing off limits. I had a wow moment. If you have the right type of faith, nothing is off limits to God for you.
Then, it all came back to me. When I was a child, I that type of faith. I thought that if I spat in the dirt and made mud, I could put it on Stevie Wonder’s eyes and he would be healed. I was convinced! As I got older that faith began to wane, but it is back! I believe the unbelievable because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! I challenge you to have a No Holds Barred Faith. Don’t limit God to what He can do. Channel your inner child who believed the unthinkable. Remember Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Devotional Reading: John 9:1-12
Mark 10:13-16