Monday, October 24, 2011

His Joy Gives Me Strength

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” -Nehemiah 8:10

The interpretation of this passage is often that God gives us joy, which makes us strong. I totally agree with that interpretation, but I heard a sermon recently that gave me another perspective and invigorated me to keep pressing through to the purpose God has called me to. The perspective is one of God’s joy, or more expressly His experiencing joy should be our motivation and strength. The Israelites out of guilt were weeping and mourning at their sinful state. As they listened to the Law of Moses being read, they were convicted. But repentance brings joy to God, and His people were in the right place to turn from their wicked ways and back to Him. This is a great illustration of Hosea 4:6, “My people perish because of a lack of knowledge.” The Israelites now were informed and could bring God joy. Knowing that they were bringing God joy would give them the strength to do what the word detailed.

Realizing that we are bringing God joy by the lives we live should encourage us to continue when times get rough and temptations bombard us. We want God to be a proud Parent. We are His children and we must endeavor to think outside of ourselves and think about our Father who is ever mindful and watchful of us. His “smile” should make tough times worthwhile! His joy gives me strength!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why Kick A Man (or Woman) When He’s Down?

Why Kick A Man (or Woman) When He’s Down?

Have you ever silently endured an injustice and needed support from family and friends without necessarily telling them everything that’s going on? And, unfortunately, they lend no support because they are caught up in their own situations? And, further, out of their frustration, they mishandle you and are course with you? We’ve all been there or are there now! Job was in that very dry place and his way of enduring and overcoming his uncomfortable season is Divine instruction on how we are to win the battle with difficulties.

Job lost EVERYTHING: wealth, health, and his legacy. It would have been better if he had lost his friends, because they kicked him while he was down. His wife gets a bad wrap because she suggested to him to “curse God and die.” Lest we forget that she had also lost her children, wealth, and witnessed her husband’s physical and mental health deteriorate. Yet, Job kept his mind on God’s faithfulness and disregarded the foolish counsel of this wife and friends. He worshipped God, questioned God, and petitioned God. He kept God on his mind because he knew that God was the only one who could deliver him from the torment of his situation and those who were supposed to be close to him.

Let us allow God’s loving arms to embrace us when others turn their backs on us. Let God’s love warm us when others are cold toward us. Let God’s faithfulness embolden us when other’s scoffs stomp on us. Let God’s peace comfort us, when an comforting touch is not extended. Let God’s vision resonate in your life, when others want to pigeonhole you in your “right now.”

And, when you are delivered from your dry place into lush green garden, from lack into a double portion for your trouble, DO NOT FORGET to reach out to another hurting soul with what you needed when you were in your dry place. Remind them, as I am reminding you now, that God is faithful and will not “kick a man or woman then he/she is down!”

Devotional Reading: Job 42