The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
Since the summer, I have taken a different route to work due to some changes in my morning routine. I’ve become accustomed to my new route and it has become old hat. Initially, I thought it was a little more convoluted that my old route, and definitely a little more risky due to the speed limit changes along the way with double fines at some stretches of road. Yet, as I said, I am used to it now.
Just the other day, I looked over at the old exit, I used to take and the cars were backed up for what seemed like miles. I thanked God that I was no longer on that path, the one that seemed to be a straight shot. The next day, I witnessed the same back up, and again today. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of today’s passage, “When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.”
God knows me well. He knows that I have A LOT of responsibilities to complete in the morning and sitting in traffic adds to the anxiety of my day. He knew that I would be tempted to be angry because I would be late to work, and that anger could be a door for the Evil One to start me down a road of complaining and futile fussing. The holdup would be a distraction to the many blessings that God had bestowed upon me and my family so far that morning. Our gracious and loving God gently changed my route this summer in preparation for the construction that He knew was going to take place and cause a several mile back up every morning.
He loves us so much that He will give us a way out, if we follow His gentle promptings. I could take my old route to work, even with my new routine, but I listened to His promptings and settled into a way that He knew would be best for His child!
Remember to take heed to those gentle nudges from the Holy Spirit. I guarantee they will have a purpose and will be your way out so you can endure this life!