Monday, November 28, 2011

Thank You For What I Didn’t Receive

It’s astonishing how we sometimes complain about what God isn’t doing for us in our lives. He does so much for us, but unanswered prayers and unfulfilled dreams are a dilemma for all of us. Be encouraged that God is sovereign and He knows the thoughts He has toward us. He wants us to experience His best!

Thanksgiving, I tried something new. Instead of thanking Him for all I have received, I thanked Him for the things I haven’t. I didn’t get what I deserved when I was a mess adoring the way of the world. I didn’t get a bad report from the doctor. I didn’t get salmonella or listeria poisoning when there were tainted produce and meat at the supermarkets. I didn’t get a call from my child’s school with bad news. I didn’t get a pink slip. I didn’t get….

In our humanness, we can find it easy to complain, but remembering all the things He has withheld for our benefit, can give us hope. The hope that keeps us ever mindful that what He has in store for us is greater than anything we could ever imagine.

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