Friday, February 28, 2014

A Lasting Impression

When you get down into the word of God, you will not be able to get enough.  When we were younger, we didn't have the various translations that we have today.  It was intimidating to interpret the Kings James Version.  It was like reading Shakespeare!  Today, we have no excuse for not being able to read the bible with a basic understanding.  Thus, we must commit to read it every day.  The word needs to be written on our hearts and minds.

The next level of understanding is what the Holy Spirit reveals to you while you read. You will gain insight on things that used to boggle your mind.  The hurt you used to feel will turn into forgiveness and love.  The things that used to bother you won’t bother you anymore.  The Holy Spirit will bring back to remembrance those points and lessons from the word that you need for your circumstances, as well as what Jesus has to say on the matter.  If you don’t read, you won’t have the foundation built for the Holy Spirit to use!

Jesus said that His words will never pass away.  Open your bible and allow Him to write His words all over your heart, soul, and mind.  Your life will never be the same.  “Where should I start?”  Plop the bible open and start there! It will bless you!

Devotional Readings:        Matthew 24:35
                                      Psalm 1:1-3 

                                      John 16:13-15

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Teaching From Your Cross

 As we move closer to transforming into the image of Christ, we are given more responsibility for our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Our issues are not only allowed in our lives to mold us, but to help others.  Jesus is the most extreme case of someone who took on the responsibility of going through in order to bless many.  He did it out of His love for us!  Even while on the cross, He taught the scriptures.

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?”          - Psalm 22:1, Mark 15:34

He wasn't calling out to His Father, He was quoting scripture to show how this event was prophesied and how Jesus will be praised and have dominion over all nations.  He was in extreme pain, yet still taught salvation to the end.

We must look at our circumstance for teaching points to help others gain renewal and transformation.  When the Holy Spirit leads you to a good scripture that ministers to your need, it’s not just for you!  Share revelation!  Sow seeds of divine positivity into peoples’ lives.  God will continue to sustain you during your issue and the next thing you’ll know, you’ll be delivered.  What’s more, you’ll look back and see souls that you helped along your rough journey.  If Jesus can teach from the cross, bloodied and bruised, we can work for the Kingdom during uncomfortable times in our lives.

Devotional Readings: Psalm 22

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cause And Effect That Causes An Effect

I had a discussion with a friend the other day, and I explained was explaining how the movie The Breakup had such a powerful scene in it.  If you can recall, there was a part when they were having a tiff. She wanted him to wash the dishes. She said something to the effect of wanting him to want to do the dishes, and he replied, “who wants to do dishes.”  What we don’t realize is that if we pursue righteousness and love for the Kingdom, we would be willing to do whatever it takes to please God, which will spill over into our relationships. 

We should want to uphold God’s commands because we love Him. We should want to please Him by doing nice things for people and walking in forgiveness. Once we’re married, we should want to uphold the detailed instructions on how to treat our husbands. That may have been an issue right there with the couple The Breakup, they were co-habiting with no spirituality at all. 

What effect will I have if I pursue these things and want to do what is righteous? You will find life, prosperity, and honor.  I believe that beyond the awesomeness of loving God and Him loving you back, you get icing on the cake.  You will find life, and through a relationship with Jesus, we have it more abundantly!  You will find prosperity, which extends far beyond money, but wholeness in mind, body, and spirit.  You will find honor by men and by God.                  

Lastly, when you are really living a prosperous, honorable life, you will be a blessing to others!  Make the commitment to pursue righteousness and love from this day forward…

Dear Lord, holy is your name! I want to have the desire to do what’s best out of love for You.  I know that if I pursue righteousness and love, I will find life, prosperity, and honor. I thank you for the fact that You also promised to supply all of my needs if I seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness.  You are so good to me. You are so faithful. Your will for my life is perfect, I just need to walk it in. I dedicate myself to walking in Your will and way today, for I know that it pleases You and results in guaranteed success. In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Devotional Reading:     Proverbs 21:21

                                      Matthew 6:33