When you get down into the word of God, you will not be able to get enough. When we were younger, we didn't have the various translations that we have today. It was intimidating to interpret the Kings James Version. It was like reading Shakespeare! Today, we have no excuse for not being able to read the bible with a basic understanding. Thus, we must commit to read it every day. The word needs to be written on our hearts and minds.
The next level of understanding is what the Holy Spirit reveals to you while you read. You will gain insight on things that used to boggle your mind. The hurt you used to feel will turn into forgiveness and love. The things that used to bother you won’t bother you anymore. The Holy Spirit will bring back to remembrance those points and lessons from the word that you need for your circumstances, as well as what Jesus has to say on the matter. If you don’t read, you won’t have the foundation built for the Holy Spirit to use!
Jesus said that His words will never pass away. Open your bible and allow Him to write His words all over your heart, soul, and mind. Your life will never be the same. “Where should I start?” Plop the bible open and start there! It will bless you!
Readings: Matthew 24:35
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