There are things that need to be in place, in order for you to produce for the kingdom, and then the kingdom will produce for you! It’s a feedback loop. You have to have 3 things to get the loop started.
You need faith, love, and hope. Your faith will produce work. Your love will prompt labor. Your hope will inspire endurance. Working, laboring, and enduring for the kingdom pleases God. In turn, God causes all you do to prosper. Simple isn’t it? So how do you get faith, love, and hope?
Faith comes by hearing the word of and from God. God is love. Love always hopes. He has set us up for success; we just have to follow through. He wants to bless us, so let’s want to sincerely bless Him, so He can bless us!
Let’s pray…
Father in heaven, holy is Your name. Perfect are your ways. You are worthy of all my praise. I thank you for the clarity of living for You. There are mysteries that are too great for me to understand, but I understand this: I need you! I call in Christ-like faith, love, and hope, today. I want to build Your kingdom. Thank You for your sovereign, perfect will for my life. I will continually recognize Your goodness wherever I go. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Devotional Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:3
1 Corinthians 13:7
Romans 10:17 (AMP)
1 John 4:8 (AMP)
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