If asked, “What relationship is the most important in your life?” what would you say? Mom? Dad? Grandparent? Child(ren)? Boyfriend? Be honest with yourself. Who would you think of instinctively first? If you thought of your relationship with God first, above all others, you have matured to that level and may you continue to put Him first. If you thought of someone other than God, there is some work that needs to be done. When I was posed that question a few months ago, I didn’t instinctively think of God first—I thought about my child. I was convicted, so I asked for forgiveness and immediately affirmed, “My most important relationship is with God and the most important person in my life is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior through whom I can have that relationship.”
The first commandment as detailed in Exodus 20:3 states that we are to put no one or nothing before God. He is to be first in our lives! My mindset shifted after I began to affirm God’s place in my life. My heart opened to another level in Him. I challenge you to do the same. Affirm that He is your Number One then watch the awesome and powerful works that He will accomplish through you and in your life. With sincerity, make God your priority. Amazingly, with billions of people in the world, He has made you His priority. It may be hard to fathom His commitment to you, but when you put Him first, He is more than willing to show you!
Devotional Reading: Matthew 22:34-40 (Love God first, then each other)
Matthew 6:33 (Seek Him first)
James 2:23 (Become God’s friend)