Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Question

If asked, “What relationship is the most important in your life?” what would you say? Mom? Dad? Grandparent? Child(ren)? Boyfriend? Be honest with yourself. Who would you think of instinctively first? If you thought of your relationship with God first, above all others, you have matured to that level and may you continue to put Him first. If you thought of someone other than God, there is some work that needs to be done. When I was posed that question a few months ago, I didn’t instinctively think of God first—I thought about my child. I was convicted, so I asked for forgiveness and immediately affirmed, “My most important relationship is with God and the most important person in my life is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior through whom I can have that relationship.”

The first commandment as detailed in Exodus 20:3 states that we are to put no one or nothing before God. He is to be first in our lives! My mindset shifted after I began to affirm God’s place in my life. My heart opened to another level in Him. I challenge you to do the same. Affirm that He is your Number One then watch the awesome and powerful works that He will accomplish through you and in your life. With sincerity, make God your priority. Amazingly, with billions of people in the world, He has made you His priority. It may be hard to fathom His commitment to you, but when you put Him first, He is more than willing to show you!

Devotional Reading: Matthew 22:34-40 (Love God first, then each other)

Matthew 6:33 (Seek Him first)

James 2:23 (Become God’s friend)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thank You For What I Didn’t Receive

It’s astonishing how we sometimes complain about what God isn’t doing for us in our lives. He does so much for us, but unanswered prayers and unfulfilled dreams are a dilemma for all of us. Be encouraged that God is sovereign and He knows the thoughts He has toward us. He wants us to experience His best!

Thanksgiving, I tried something new. Instead of thanking Him for all I have received, I thanked Him for the things I haven’t. I didn’t get what I deserved when I was a mess adoring the way of the world. I didn’t get a bad report from the doctor. I didn’t get salmonella or listeria poisoning when there were tainted produce and meat at the supermarkets. I didn’t get a call from my child’s school with bad news. I didn’t get a pink slip. I didn’t get….

In our humanness, we can find it easy to complain, but remembering all the things He has withheld for our benefit, can give us hope. The hope that keeps us ever mindful that what He has in store for us is greater than anything we could ever imagine.

Friday, November 18, 2011

God Knows Us Well

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.

1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

Since the summer, I have taken a different route to work due to some changes in my morning routine. I’ve become accustomed to my new route and it has become old hat. Initially, I thought it was a little more convoluted that my old route, and definitely a little more risky due to the speed limit changes along the way with double fines at some stretches of road. Yet, as I said, I am used to it now.

Just the other day, I looked over at the old exit, I used to take and the cars were backed up for what seemed like miles. I thanked God that I was no longer on that path, the one that seemed to be a straight shot. The next day, I witnessed the same back up, and again today. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of today’s passage, “When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.”

God knows me well. He knows that I have A LOT of responsibilities to complete in the morning and sitting in traffic adds to the anxiety of my day. He knew that I would be tempted to be angry because I would be late to work, and that anger could be a door for the Evil One to start me down a road of complaining and futile fussing. The holdup would be a distraction to the many blessings that God had bestowed upon me and my family so far that morning. Our gracious and loving God gently changed my route this summer in preparation for the construction that He knew was going to take place and cause a several mile back up every morning.

He loves us so much that He will give us a way out, if we follow His gentle promptings. I could take my old route to work, even with my new routine, but I listened to His promptings and settled into a way that He knew would be best for His child!

Remember to take heed to those gentle nudges from the Holy Spirit. I guarantee they will have a purpose and will be your way out so you can endure this life!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Know Your Worth

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.

-Prov. 31:10 (NIV)

There are 4 natural stones that have been designated as precious stones: diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies. In the verse above, a wife of noble character is as rare and precious as a ruby. Why are we so hard to find? In my opinion, I believe because we’re too busy looking ourselves. I didn’t read anywhere, “A man of noble character who can find?” However, it is quite often spoken that a good man is hard to find. Society and past experiences have ingrained in our minds the negative thought that no good men exist. It is truly a trick of the enemy! Do you want to know why a good man is hard to find? The answer is clearly because men were not the ones intended to be found.

Women are the ones who should be pursued and sought after. I know, it sounds old fashioned but I’d rather call it BIBLE-FASHIONED. Eve was presented to Adam. Adam was content doing what he was doing, as many men are today. God knew it wasn’t good for him to be alone. Don’t you think He’ll make the same call for men today? Of course He does. He knows when a man (and a woman) is ready to cultivate a healthy, godly marriage it will bring Him glory. There is a wrench that is strategically thrown in when pressures to marry are placed on a man by anyone, but God. Only He knows the right time to whisper His divine command in a man’s ear and touch a man’s heart. Then it is up to a man to obey God’s charge.

So what are we, as women of faith to do while men are getting themselves together? We are to understand our worth. We are precious gems who should be the prize for a man who submits to Jesus Christ. If a man submits to Jesus then he will be led right to his “wife of noble character!” Will you be ready? Do you know your worth?

Precious is defined as being of great value, highly cherished, and excessively refined. Well, we have our work cut out for us. Dedicate yourself to being the best Christian you can be. Give God your all and live the life that He has designed for you. That is a life of GREAT VALUE. Get busy with Kingdom work. Your time and talents will be CHERISHED by those you affect. Let the Fruit of the Spirit be the framework of how you live and you will have a HIGHLY REFINED lifestyle. Stop seeking a good man and strive to be a wife of noble character that is ready to be found.

Devotional Reading: Galatians 5:22-23

Genesis 2:18

Monday, October 24, 2011

His Joy Gives Me Strength

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” -Nehemiah 8:10

The interpretation of this passage is often that God gives us joy, which makes us strong. I totally agree with that interpretation, but I heard a sermon recently that gave me another perspective and invigorated me to keep pressing through to the purpose God has called me to. The perspective is one of God’s joy, or more expressly His experiencing joy should be our motivation and strength. The Israelites out of guilt were weeping and mourning at their sinful state. As they listened to the Law of Moses being read, they were convicted. But repentance brings joy to God, and His people were in the right place to turn from their wicked ways and back to Him. This is a great illustration of Hosea 4:6, “My people perish because of a lack of knowledge.” The Israelites now were informed and could bring God joy. Knowing that they were bringing God joy would give them the strength to do what the word detailed.

Realizing that we are bringing God joy by the lives we live should encourage us to continue when times get rough and temptations bombard us. We want God to be a proud Parent. We are His children and we must endeavor to think outside of ourselves and think about our Father who is ever mindful and watchful of us. His “smile” should make tough times worthwhile! His joy gives me strength!